Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pick of the Week: Outcasts Marathon

Image from Outcasts Series Premiere

This week was a bit of a challenge for what to pick of the week, which can happen with so much awesome to go around, but I went for a marathon for a science fiction that aired on Space last summer and one that Suzie & I did chat about on occasion:

Outcasts Marathon
Sunday March 25, 2012 from 11AM - 9PM EST on Space

I'm quite excited for this as I didn't watch all of it last year (I believe it was right around the move), so I have no idea what happened! I enjoyed the premiere and was curious to see where it went, and Sunday is a good time to find out!

Here is a series synopsis: "Seeking the chance to build a better future, a group of courageous pioneers departs Earth for Carpathia, a newly discovered planet in a distant galaxy. Led by President Richard Tate and his core team of Stella, Cass and Fleur, the pioneers settle in the town of Forthaven, creating a society there alongside expeditionaries Mitchell and Jack. Having embraced all the challenges that come with forging a new beginning, the townspeople work hard to preserve what they've built on Carpathia, and even as they long for those left behind, there is optimism about the future. But while they try to learn from mistakes made on Earth, there is no avoiding the human pitfalls of love, greed, lust and loss."

Also Awesome This Week:
Fringe returns from mini-hiatus! New episode on Friday March 23, 2012

Photobucket Photobucket
Images: Liam Cunningham as President Richard Tate / Eric Mabius as Julius Berger

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