These are the shows we talk about every time they are on.
Regular Fall/Winter/Spring Season Shows
Supernatural (Fall/Winter/Spring)
Supernatural follows the Winchester brothers, brought up in the world of hunters fighter supernatural creatures. Strong sibling connection brings this series a cut above for us, although we often roll our eyes at the gender crap and they've had very little luck with reoccurring supporting female cast members. It's one of the longest standing paranormal fiction series and often features monster-of-the-week format, as well as series long arcs. Suzie & Shannon sit on opposite sides of the Sam & Dean fence but will concede they do both rock in their own way. See podcasts & posts discussing Supernatural here.

Vampire Diaries (Fall/Winter/Spring)
Along with Supernatural, Vampire Diaries holds the honour of being a show that we've talked about since our very first podcast when Vampire Diaries was still in its first season. Although we can harp on it being jammed packed with so much content it's hard to catch everything, we still enjoy it almost every week (just tone down the torture, would ya?). The series is a spin off from the books by L.J. Smith and follows a human girl who has the same appearance of who stole the hearts of a duo of vampire brothers. Lots of supernatural content of many ilks: high school drama, historical flashbacks, lots of romances and bucket loads of social events the show has won over a very dedicated fan base. See podcasts & posts discussing Vampire Diaries here.

Lost Girl (Fall/Winter/Spring)
We've been talking about and loving this Canadian supernatural series from the very first episode in Fall 2010. Lost Girl follows a succubus named Bo, who although is aware of her powers was brought up outside the world of light & dark fae. When she is faced with this new society with rules, structure and support, she is not interesting in picking a side. Instead, she chooses a human friend named Kenzi and they walk their own path to become private investigators. It's racy, fun and is as much about friends as it is about foes. See podcasts & posts discussing Lost Girl here.

This one is right up our alley but when it started Fall of 2011 we were already talking about 3-6 shows a week! Set in Oregon and follows a new-to-his-talents Grimm, which is a criminal profiler who can see mythological creatures what blend into normal society. Suzie used her veto card to get Shannon to watch and she did liked it! We only spoke of it occasionally during Season 1, but as of the Season 2 start we decided to add it to our regularly discussed shows. See all podcasts and posts where we’ve discussed Grimm here.
The Walking Dead
AMC's hit zombie series that debuted Halloween 2010 with skyrocket ratings. We used to check in on this one only occasionally but not as of Fall 2012 started following more intensely. It's a tough one and it feels like every week we both had have strong feelings in both directions. Historically though Suzie has been more on board and Shannon can waffle a bit in but keep landing in "gotta keep watching" zone, therefore this one gets bumped to "Always Talk About It" zone. See all podcasts and posts where we’ve discussed The Walking Dead here.
Summer Shows

Teen Wolf (Summer)
The show uses the premise of the 1980's Michael J. Fox film. This teenage supernatural high school show follows Scott, a mostly average student and lacrosse player who gets bitten by a werewolf which drastically changes his life. Now he has to deal with his new-found powers, along with many relationships with friends, family and foes. Debuted in Summer 2011 and we've chatted about each & every episode. It's likely the most male-centric and least polished show we cover, but its lovable characters and teen goofy-ness make it a fun summer escape. See podcasts & posts discussing Teen Wolf here & see our episode-by-episode run down here.
Haven (Summer/Fall)
I think it's safe to say Haven is one of our favourite shows. Set in Maine but filmed in Nova Scotia, this Canadian-American co-production won us over instantly. It follows FBI Agent Audrey Parker who goes to the town of Haven and finds she has a particular talent for helping people there with unexplainable afflictions coined 'The Troubles', as well as having her own possible history with the town. Teaming up with local cop Nathan and often helped or hindered by importer/exporter Duke, this series often has a trouble-of-the-week as well as a larger mystery to uncover which keeps us satiated & hooked with every episode. See podcasts & posts discussing Haven here.
Paranormal Witness (Summer/Fall)
Non-fiction re-creation show that’s somewhere between Unsolved Mysteries and Biography, this one has a very creepy vibe to it. Shannon was skeptical at first but came more on board during Season 2. Now we talk about the show pretty much any time it airs. See all podcasts and posts where we’ve discussed Paranormal Witness here.
Winter Shows
Being Human (North American) Winter
A Canadian-American co-production based on the current British BBC series that follows the challenges of three supernatural roommates (a ghost, vampire & werewolf) as they try their best to be... human. We've chatted about Being Human since its first season in Winter 2011. It is a rare show in that we also talk spoilers from the UK version that runs semi-concurrently. As a result, it is best to seen both before listening in as we can't help but continually compare the two. See podcasts & posts discussing Being Human (North American) here.
Odd Schedule/Off Season Shows
Being Human (UK) British/Odd Schedule
BBC series following the lives of a trio of roommates: a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost. Great stories, accessible characters and conflicts with absolutely astounding performances… this is a series that gets under your skin and grips your heart. We chatted occasionally about Season 1 & 2 and then regularly with each episode of Season 3. As it is a British series, we usually get it after it has already aired elsewhere. As a result, we will talk about the con-current season of the North American version so there are some reverse-spoilers. Although this show has come to a close, neither of us has seen the final season and may still talk about it. See podcasts & posts discussing Being Human (UK) here.

Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (Odd Schedule)
A non-fiction show that looks at possibly paranormal video & photographs and then attempts to recreate them to determine if they are fact or faked. We love, love, love this show: the adventurous nature of the team, the use of the scientific method and the out and out intent to try and discover the paranormal. We've loved it from its very first episode, although being in Canada we get this one a little after the fact but still talk about it whenever new episodes are aired in Canada. See podcasts & posts discussing Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files here.