On the 57th episode of Hexed Suzie & Shannon chat about recent episodes of Vampire Diaries, Paranormal State, new-to-Canadian TV showing of Being Human UK and catch up with the one Fact or Faked in Season 1 that Suzie missed (and we really want to see season 2 up here in Canada). We also have a rather enthusiastic tangent on the upcoming Federal Election, because that's the way we roll! We will catch up with new eps of Supernatural next week as unfortunately it's playing on an odd schedule out East. Enjoy :)
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Show Notes
0:00 - 1:20 Intro
1:20 - 17:35 News
17:35 - 35:00 Vampire Diaries S2 Ep19 Klaus
35:00 - 50:15 Being Human UK S3 Ep 1 Adam's Family
50:15 - 1:12:30 Paranormal State, Season 6, Episodes 5 & 6 Vendetta & Southern Discomfort at Sweetwater Mansion
1:12:30 - 1:24:30 Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, Season 1 Ep 3 Off the Deep End/Houseguest aka Ghost Writer
1:24:30 - 1:31:30 Canadian Federal Election Tangent
1:31:30 - 1:33:30 Outro
Show Notes
- PRS visiting Ottawa on Thursday May 26th, and Toronto on Friday May 27
- Fact or Faked S2 gets 12 additional episodes!
- Shannon mentions the FusedTV podcast where they chat about Summer TV
- Shannon also mentions guesting on Rhe Film Bomb podcast & defending The Mod Squad
- Suzie mentions enjoyed the recent remake of Arthur
- Eric Balfour (Duke on Haven) fans rejoice & check out Dinoshark on DVD & BluRay see Shannon's review here!
- We wax poetic about Endgame
- Shannon thinks XIII: The Series is Awesome x 13
- Check out the FBI Online Vault of Unexplained Phenomenon - TY to Darkness Radio for this find!
- Haven Season 2 15 second Teaser Trailer
Hexed: Sisterhood of the Supernatural
All Supernatural TV. All the Time.